Dealer Protection Group (DPG) offers dealerships a number of opportunities to increase their bottom line, including the establishment of a Dealer Owned Warranty Company. This allows you to serve as the administrator of your vehicle service contracts and other applicable F&I products. The Warranty Company earns the underwriting and investment income from the sale of F&I products that are ceded to the company.
The benefits of having a Dealer Owned Warranty Company are many, including:
- You can design coverages that meet or exceed service contracts offered by the factory.
- Not only are stringent financial safeguards in place, but also loss ratios are quite predictable for both domestic and import vehicles.
- Your loss ratio is not affected by that of any other dealer.
- Dealer ownership eliminates problems that have been associated with other non-factory warranty programs.
- You have total control of all cash including reserves and investments.
- Customer satisfaction can be greatly enhanced when there is no longer a need to struggle with having a claim paid.
- Claim repairs are completed through national auto repair networks and dealerships.
- The administrator handles all claims and maintains all records required.
Get more out of F&I.
Talk to DPG about the benefits of a Dealer Owned Warranty Companies. Call us at 949.208.8550.